b'Bal-ti-moralMonarchButterfly CakesCharlie BrowniesBurger King H.M. SauceSalad QueenMonar-Ke-babDRINKS Queen CamillaMENU:Sponge LET THEMCamil-latte EAT QUICHE! CharliecinoCamillamile TeaIn 1953 we had Coronation Chicken in 2023 it was Coronation Quiche What did the studentsand staff of HGS come up withwhen tasked with inventing the perfect food for thisBucking-ham years Coronation?sandwichesMountbattenberg Cake CharliePloughmanSandring-ham Monar-Key Lime Pie sandwichesTEACHING CROWNCROWN FOR BROWN! KING FOR KING! MR The vote is over. 727 votes have been cast. Your votes have beenMR A. ORGAN MR B. counted and independently verified and the winner of the first (and last!)CAMPBELLHandsworth Grammar School Teaching Crown with 98 votes isBANSALdrum roll please Mr Organ!!!! Well done to the first runner up Mr A. Campbell and the second runner up Mr B. Bansal. Thank you for voting!Ms Brown8'