b'MR KAFAIOther than my parents and Maths, my first love that I can recall would have been my Star Wars figures, in particular my Yoda and Boba Fett figures. It was only later in life that I was seduced by spreadsheets.THUNDERBIRDS ARE GO!My favourite toy was a Dinky Thunderbird 2. I was mad keen on the 60s puppet show. I marvelled at the weekly doses of technology run amuck and the brave efforts of the Tracy brothers (and associates) to rescue those imperilled. So obviously, when I acquired a die-cast version of my own, complete with yellow plastic Thunderbird 4, I was in heaven. No adventure in the sandpit or bath in the sink (it was stainless steel, not enamel, so my metal toy would not scratch it) would take place without recreated or newly imagined adventure. Despite the years and a few repaints, it still sits in my display cabinetrepository of many happy memories.Mr DuckANIMAL MAGICAs a child I was surrounded by animalscats, dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, gerbils, goldfishall with very predictable names! My love for rabbits was even stronger than my love for all our other pets, and my most special rabbitSnowyseemed to live a very, very long time despite lengthy stays at the animal hospital. It was only when I was older that I realised that my mum had been replacing Snowy with a younger model every time one died. The trips to the animal hospital gave the new rabbit time to grow and gave me a little time to forget the exact features of my much beloved rabbit!Ms BrownPUPPY LOVE I adore my two-year-old miniature dachshundStanleywho has caused nothing but cute chaos since his arrival in 2021. His favourite pastimes include pinching socks, doing tricks for cheese, or a super-fast game of chase with his fellow dachshund friend, Frank. He is certainly my first pet love but definitely wont be my last!Ms Macilwraith61'