b'A trip to IKEA!An incredible opportunity to witness commerce in the real world was presented to Year 11 Business students in the shape of the Swedish multinational conglomerate IKEA. As soon as we arrived in the car park, the blue and yellow building immediately stood out and then we headed into a workspace for a day of activities.First up, an engaging quiz to test our knowledge of Sweden, leading to some hilarious answers! After the quiz, presentations on the ethos of the company: a firm belief in community and togetherness, subsidised meals for employees and local events to support residents. Crucially we gained an understanding of the strict conditions products in development must meet like price, quality and function before they can go on sale. Finally we were given a tour of the store and given the chance to find sustainable products across the store and evaluate how they benefited the environment.Like all good times, the tour came to an end but we still had the opportunity to indulge in hot dogs and Swedish meatballs which we thoroughly enjoyed!Overall, it was a fantastic experience and was a good introduction to the world of work and how businesses operate in real life.Shrey Kapoor 11HHAVE MERSEYThe International Slavery Museum inmovement. In the interactive session Liverpool is located on the very dockwe learnt about the consequences of where many enslaved Africans and goodsslavery playing a role in racial bias. This were imported and exported through thewas demonstrated clearly in the Enid trade triangle. As we moved throughBlyton book The Three Golliwogs and the the museum, we found examples ofrepercussions of racial stereotyping that abhorrent conditions; one exampleresulted. We were also made aware of more that was particularly alarming was thecontemporary examples of stereotypes treatment of female house slaves whowhen we were shown a Nivea advert were in constant danger of beingused in Africa which suggested white skin abused and harassed. was pure and black skin is impure. We The long-term effects of discriminationdiscussed the impact of this on perceptions were explored in a variety of exhibitsof colour and superiority.and a journey through the civil rightsYear 13 A-level History Group19'